The Statistical Learning and Control Group (SLC) is hosted at the Division of Decision and Control at KTH, which is part of the school of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH. We develop Machine Learning techniques applied to statistical inference tasks and control problems, both from a theoretical and practical perspective. One of the main focuses of the group is to lay theoretical foundations towards the design of Reinforcement Learning algorithms. We apply our results to various fields, including communication systems, electronic commerce, online recommendations, and data annotation.

Research Areas

Reinforcement Learning

Security of Intelligent Systems



ML for Control


>> Nov. 2023: 5 PhD students graduated this summer. Yassir Jedra (now post-doc at MIT), Alessio Russo (now with Ericsson), Damianos Tranos (now with Ericsson), Filippo Vannella (still at Ericsson), and Kaito Ariu (with Cyber-Agent). 

>> Sept. 2023: 5 papers accepted at NeurIPS 2023, including one with spotlight presentation.


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